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Single School



/ Month


1 QuickBooks Connection

Free Phone and Email Support

Service Provider



/ Month


1 QuickBooks Connection

1 Offsite Location

Free Phone and Email Support

$50 per additional offsite location per month

Multi-School District



/ Month


2 QuickBooks Connections

Free Phone and Email Support

$200 per additional QuickBooks connection
or school per month


Customers Ask Frequently

What is the difference between the service provider and multi-school district plan?

The service provider plan is for groups that typically provide back office support to multiple school districts. The service provider will typically have 1 QuickBooks file that is used for all of their accounting and they will have many locations setup on their account that they can process requests for. This allows for easy management of purchasing and other common requests at all schools they work with. The multi-district plan is intended for groups that have many schools that each maintain their own QuickBooks files.

What is the difference between adding a location to the service provider plan and adding an additional QuickBooks connection or school to the multi-school district plan?

Adding additional locations to the service provider plan only allows you to process requests for that location, but doesn't allow you to keep a separate budget for accounting for the costs on those requests. All requests with a dollar amount associated are accounted for under 1 budget and can only be connected and synced to 1 QuickBooks file. The multi-school district plan allows you to keep separate budgets for each school and sync requests to separate QuickBooks files for each school.

Can I add additional QuickBooks connections to any plan?

Yes, you can add more QuickBooks connections to any plan at an additional cost of $200 per month.

Can I have EZPaperTrail invoice me instead of paying monthly with a credit card?

Yes, EZPaperTrail offers invoicing on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis for all fees.

Can I use EZPaperTrail without connecting it to QuickBooks?

Yes, you may use EZPaperTrail as a complete standalone system for managing all the requests at your school. We have found that most of our customers use QuickBooks for accounting so we allow for easy syncing of all the relevant information into QuickBooks to avoid any double entry of data. You can always start using EZPaperTrail and connect it to QuickBooks at a later date if you decide to.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you may cancel your subscription at any time and export your data via CSV file.